Clutterbuck, D., Whitaker, C. and Lucas, M. (2016) Coaching Supervision : A practical Guide for Supervisees. Abingdon: Routledge
Turner, T., Lucas, M. and Whitaker, C. (2018) Peer Supervision for Coaches and Mentors: A versatile guide for reflective practice. Abingdon: Routledge
Lucas, M. (2020) 101 Coaching Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries and Experiments. Abingdon: Routledge
Lucas, M. (2023) Creating the Reflective Habit. Abingdon: Routledge
Turner, T., Lucas, M. and Whitaker, C. (2021) Peer Supervision, In (Ed.) Bachkirova, T., Jackson, P. and Clutterbuck. D. (2021) Mentoring and Coaching Supervision: Theory and Practice. pp.240-254.
Lucas, M. (2021) How to choose your supervision techniques. In (Ed.) Bachkirova, T., Jackson, P. and Clutterbuck. D. (2021) Mentoring and Coaching Supervision: Theory and Practice. pp.215-226.
Lucas, M., Beckett-McInroy, C. and Stafford-Smith, B. (2023) Reflective Practice and the Digital Coach, In (Ed.) Passmore, J and Isaacsson, S. (2021). The digital coach’s handbook. Pp. x-y.
Lucas, M. (2012): Exploring the Double Value of Supervision : A Developmental Perspective for Internal Coaches. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Volume X. Issue 2. December 2012. (pp 21-38)
Lucas, M. (2013): Exploring the Double Value of Supervision: The opportunity for organisational learning through Group Supervision. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Volume XI. Issue 2. December 2013. (pp 42-57)
Lucas, M. (2017) From Coach to Coach Supervisor – a shift in mind-set. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Vol 15, No 1. February 2017 pp. 11 – 23
Lucas, M. (2017) Applying the Oxygen Mask principle to coach supervision. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Special Edition October 2017. (pp 13-20)
Lucas, M. (2024) From Coach to Coach Supervisor: A shift in mindset – what resonates with Practitioners. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Vol 22(1), pp.267 – 283
Lucas, M. (2024) Introducing the STEWARD framework: a perspective on the Coach Supervisor Mindset. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 2024, Vol. 22 (2), pp. 290 – 304.
Lucas, M. and Elcock, Y. (2024) Reflections on supervisors’ motivation for ethical practice and development, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Vol 22(1), pp. 284 – 292
Lucas, M. and Larcombe, A. (2016): Helping independent coaches develop their business – a holistic approach to supervision or an opportunity for supervisors to exploit their position. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Professional Section. Volume IX, Article 3, September 2016
Lucas, M. and Turner, T. (2023) Spiralling the field – a model for reflective practice. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. 21, (1), pp. 211-221.
Lucas, M. and Whitaker, C. (2014) A model of co-facilitation for supporting group coaching-supervision. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Vol 12, No 2 pp. 1 – 9
Whitaker, C. and Lucas, M. (2012): Collaboration in Practice with Co-Facilitated Group Coaching Supervision: What could you learn from hearing our story? International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching. Volume X. Issue 1. April 2012 (pp 111-120)
Charlton, J. (2010): Are you there? Coaching at Work. Vol. 5. Issue 5
Housden, C. and Lucas, M. (2021) Tried and Tested: Liminal Muse Goes Digital. Coaching at Work, Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 60 – 61.
Housden, C. and Lucas, M. (2020) Toolbox: Roadtest – The Space Between. Coaching at Work, 4th May 2020.
Lucas, M. (2012): On Being a Coach: The importance of Reflective Practice [Part 1]. International Coaching News. Issue 2.
Lucas, M (2012): On Being a Coach: The importance of Reflective Practice [Part 2]. International Coaching News. Issue 3.
Lucas, M (2012): On Being a Coach: The importance of Reflective Practice [Part 3]. International Coaching News. Issue 4.
Lucas, M. (2013): The Reflections of a Surprised Supervisor. Coaching Today. January 2013, pages 5 – 9.
Lucas, M. and Larcombe, A. (2013): Supervisors speak: What do we do, how do we do it – and why? Coaching Today. July 2014, pages 18 – 21.
Lucas, M. and Sanbar, P. (2023) Building your ideal self? Try Kwirkeez. Coaching Perspectives. Issue 36, pages 46 – 47.
Lucas, M. (2023) Eight routes to a reflective habit. BPS Magazine
Lucas, M. (2023) Shifting the paradigm. Coaching Today July 2023. This article first appeared in the July 2023 issue of Coaching Today, published by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Mitchell, A. (2016): The first rule of Coaching Club… Coaching at Work. Vol. 11. Issue 4. July/August pages 48 – 50
Norman, C. and Lucas, M. (2021) Charging Point. Coaching at Work, Issue 3.
Norman, C. and Lucas, M. (2021) For what it’s worth. Coaching at Work, Issue 5.
Norman, C. and Lucas, M. (2021) Name your price. Coaching at Work
Norman, C. and Lucas, M. (2021) Fees: Time to step up. Coaching at Work, Issue 7.
Whitaker, C. and Lucas, M (2014). “Risk Assessor”. Road Test Feature : “The Coaching Dilemma Cards”. Coaching At Work, Vol.9 Issue 6, Nov/Dec 2014
2024: Kwirkeez – a creative way for practitioners to articulate their philosophy, purpose and practice [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2023: Exploring Supervision Dilemmas to Accelerate our learning with Carol Whitaker [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2022: What’s the difference between Coaching and Coaching Supervision? Isn’t it just “coaching the coach”?? (NO!) [Americas Coaching Supervision Network Conference]
2022: Is our reflective practice fit for our purpose and current context? Introducing our spiral model to guide your choices with Tammy Turner [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]:
2022: CoSupervision – the supervisor’s opportunity for ethical practice in a changing context with Jane Molloy and Sim-Chim Khoo [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2021: What kind of supervision misfit am I? [Americas Coaching Supervision Network Conference]
2021: Why should professional supervisors care about supervision? With Tammy Turner and Carol Whitaker [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2021: The space in between. With Charlotte Housden. [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2021: Experiencing the Reflective Practice Space [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2021: Exploring a three-pronged model for stretch in your supervision practice [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2020: Testing a supervision mindset. [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2019: Taming the Seven-Eyed Monster (of supervision). [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2019: Coaching with cards. With Charlotte Housden. [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2019: How can we create a collaborative supervision partnership? With Dr. Louise Sheppard. [AICTP Conference]
2019: Group Supervision in a multiple touchpoint setting With NABS [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2018: A case study in emotional labour in a group supervision context [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference – Colloquium]
2017: The Coaching Culture “Bake Off” – Join the debate! With James Hutton and Caroline [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2017: Peer supervision – poor relation or strategic partner? With Carol Whitaker [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2017: Deliberately Self-Centred Coach Supervision – a shift in emphasis when working with mature practitioners. [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2016: “The effective supervisee: how to help you get more out of supervision” with Prof. David Clutterbuck and Carol Whitaker [Keynote at South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2016: Supervision in a Thinking Environment® With Linda Aspey [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2016: What don’t we know about supervision ….? With David Clutterbuck and Carol Whitaker [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2015: What is a Coaching Supervision Mindset? An opportunity to “stress test” an emerging framework. [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]
2014: Recognising the role peer supervision has to play in reflective practice with Sarah Gilbert and Eve Turner [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference, at Ashridge]
2014: Sharing our model of co-facilitation. With Carol Whitaker [South West Councils Coaching Conference]
2014: A model of co-facilitation: working on the edge to create more than the sum of the parts. [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference, at Ashridge]
2013: Our model of co-facilitation. With Carol Whitaker [OASIS conference]
2012: What can you learn from hearing our journey? With Carol Whitaker [Oxford Brookes International Supervision Conference]